Maternity Leave in a Nutshell

So last I left you, the whole family was sick, especially Bobby. That next day I took Bobby back to the doctor as he was much worse and his oxygen level had tanked and he was working really hard to breathe. SO, we were sent to Blank in Des Moines and were there from Feb 10th-14th. It. Was. A. Nightmare. He was okay. Sick, but okay. I thought we were in a good place for him. We ended up having a roommate which was a DISASTER. I can not even begin to explain the horrible experience as a result of that situation. On our last day/night, after much to do, we were FINALLY transferred to our own room and that was much better, but like I said, too little too late. Bobby had a lot of ups and downs after that, including being readmitted to the hospital in Sac City, with pneumonia.


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