Sunday Funday..?

Whoever said that apparently didn't have to work on Monday morning. The thought of the start of a new work week always seems to drag down my Sunday. I would kill to have Mondays off. Working 3-4 days a week would be perfect. I feel like I miss out on so much with Piper. I drop her off at daycare at 7:30 and them don't pick her up until 5:30. Factor in drive time and that's 11 hours a day lost. Then reconfigure it to subtract sleep time and I get 3-4 hours a day with her which is nowhere near enough. I know there has to be a workable compromise somehow but right now it seems elusive.

Piper has the start of what appears to be the flu. She threw up once before bed and then multiple times throughout the night. She started in her own bed. I was laying in my bed and heard her start coughing/stirring on the monitor. I took off running for her room with the bucket. She threw up on her pillow just before I got there and then some in the bucket. Then I took her into my room and laid her in bed on top of all the towels I had laid down. Then I took all the dirty sheets and Jammie's down to the  laundry, rinsed out the bucket, washed my hands, then laid down to try to sleep.

Then she threw up again. Repeat.

Needless to say it was a long night. I could always tell when she was going to throw up because she would start rolling around. I put the bucket in front of her and she would push it away and say, "Noo....nooooo!" It was heartbreaking, like she was telling me 'No mom I don't want to throw up!'

After the first time it was just bile and then just mostly dry heaving. She would throw up/heave and then would just crash back on her pillow from exhaustion and was out immediately.

She seems a little bit better this morning. Drank too much water too fast and threw that up, but seems a little spunkier.

We're staying home today. Hopefully this is a quick bug and dies after it leaves pipes.

I see a nap in OUR not so distance future....after all the laundry of course. :)


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